A Brief Summation of My Feelings After the First Half of the Michigan-Penn State Game
apoeajgio kewafaovjiokjv afkj niusghirounbujbfisgmiemf0sgljgosjogijoesighhoiaip maghrfpipo opafoiuia ddafoe aodfgjoirjgoi ffiaofk bvg niuvhsueighbiuhusuirafufoaopfi muihuihhj,bdvbhjbv fnkskskgkjkljl;siod Why didn't I go to the hockey game? awepofk kfapowkfapo okfpowkafwafjpqpiwopiopwqiodhuyf ajwiefhiahfi ajkjskkafkj ahfjkdhafk kjfhjkhf kjhajkfhjksdhfjk hakjfhajkfh apfejfoijofafjoiwajiofj hjbhjbvjhbhjdbvjabvfgeguqiur atafpawinca uieah vbauehuhfuhuOapufeaupUIIHJKQHJHFUIEHpfahfuoiahguf afihiuawfhiah iuh weaoifjoiajoi
Sweet, so what are your thoughts on the second half?